Geant4  10.01.p01
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27 // File:
28 // Description: Packing, unpacking and other related utilities for
29 // calorimetric numbering schema
31 #include "CCaloOrganization.hh"
33 //#define debug
35 unsigned int CCaloOrganization::packindex(int det, int z, int eta,
36  int phi) const {
37  //So this is the actual encoding of the index:
38  //top 4 bits encode Detector type
39  //
40  // Should work for all calorimeter with no depth information
42  unsigned int idx=(det&15)<<28; //bits 28-31 (21-23 are free for now)
43  idx+=(((z+1)/2)&1)<<20; //bits 20
44  idx+=(eta&1023)<<10; //bits 10-19
45  idx+=(phi&1023); //bits 0-9
46 #ifdef debug
47  G4cout << " ECAL packing " << det << " " << z << " " << eta << " " << phi
48  << " into " << idx << G4endl;
49 #endif
50  return idx;
51 }
53 unsigned int CCaloOrganization::packindex(int det, int depth, int z, int eta,
54  int phi) const {
55  //So this is the actual encoding of the index:
56  //top 4 bits encode Detector type
57  //next 4 bits encode depth information
58  // Should work for all calorimeter with no depth information
60  unsigned int idx=(det&15)<<28; //bits 28-31 (21-23 are free for now)
61  idx+=(depth&15)<<24; //bits 24-27
62  idx+=(z&1)<<20; //bits 20
63  idx+=(eta&1023)<<10; //bits 10-19
64  idx+=(phi&1023); //bits 0-9
65 #ifdef debug
66  G4cout << " HCAL packing " << det << " " << depth << " " << z << " " << eta
67  << " " << phi << " into " << idx << G4endl;
68 #endif
69  return idx;
70 }
73 void CCaloOrganization::unpackindex(const unsigned int& idx, int& det, int& z,
74  int& eta, int& phi) const {
75  det = (idx>>28)&15;
76  z = (idx>>20)&1;
77  z = 2*z-1;
78  eta = (idx>>10)&1023;
79  phi = (idx&1023);
80 }
83 void CCaloOrganization::unpackindex(const unsigned int& idx, int& det,
84  int& depth, int& z, int& eta,
85  int& phi) const {
86  det = (idx>>28)&15;
87  depth=(idx>>24)&15;
88  z = (idx>>20)&1;
89  eta = (idx>>10)&1023;
90  phi = (idx&1023);
91 }
94 int CCaloOrganization::getUnitWithMaxEnergy(std::map<int,float,std::less<int> >& themap){
96  //look for max
97  int UnitWithMaxEnergy = 0;
98  float maxEnergy = 0.;
100  for(std::map<int,float,std::less<int> >::iterator iter = themap.begin();
101  iter != themap.end(); iter++){
103  if( maxEnergy < (*iter).second) {
104  maxEnergy = (*iter).second;
105  UnitWithMaxEnergy = (*iter).first;
106  }
107  }
108 #ifdef debug
109  G4cout << " *** max energy of " << maxEnergy << " MeV was found in Unit id "
110  << UnitWithMaxEnergy;
111  int det,z,eta,phi;
112  unpackindex(UnitWithMaxEnergy, det, z, eta, phi);
113  G4cout << " corresponding to z= " << z << " eta= " << eta << " phi = " << phi
114  << G4endl;
115 #endif
116  return UnitWithMaxEnergy;
118 }
121 float CCaloOrganization::energyInMatrix(int nCellInEta, int nCellInPhi,
122  int crystalWithMaxEnergy,
123  std::map<int,float,std::less<int> >& themap){
125  int det,z,eta,phi;
126  this->unpackindex(crystalWithMaxEnergy, det, z, eta, phi);
127  int ncristals=0;
129  int goBackInEta = nCellInEta/2;
130  int goBackInPhi = nCellInPhi/2;
131  int startEta = eta-goBackInEta;
132  int startPhi = phi-goBackInPhi;
134  float totalEnergy = 0.;
136  for(int ieta=startEta; ieta<startEta+nCellInEta; ieta++){
137  for(int iphi=startPhi; iphi<startPhi+nCellInPhi; iphi++){
139  int index = this->packindex(det,z,ieta,iphi);
140  totalEnergy += themap[index];
141  ncristals+=1;
142 #ifdef debug
143  G4cout << "ieta - iphi - E = " << ieta << " " << iphi << " "
144  << themap[index] << G4endl;
145 #endif
146  }
147  }
149 #ifdef debug
150  G4cout << "Energy in " << nCellInEta << " cells in eta times "
151  << nCellInPhi << " cells in phi matrix = " << totalEnergy
152  << " for " << ncristals << " crystals" << G4endl;
153 #endif
154  return totalEnergy;
156 }
G4double z
Definition: TRTMaterials.hh:39
void unpackindex(const unsigned int &idx, int &det, int &z, int &eta, int &phi) const
float energyInMatrix(int nCellInEta, int nCellInPhi, int crystalWithMaxEnergy, std::map< int, float, std::less< int > > &themap)
unsigned int packindex(int det, int z, int eta, int phi) const
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
int getUnitWithMaxEnergy(std::map< int, float, std::less< int > > &themap)
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:61