21 gStyle->SetOptStat(0000);
23 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
24 gROOT->SetStyle(
28 c1 =
new TCanvas (
36 FILE * fp = fopen(
43 TH1F *
h1 =
new TH1F(
"Nucleus marker intensity",100,1,300);
44 TH1F *
h11 =
new TH1F(
"h11 ",
46 TH1F *
h2 =
new TH1F(
"Cytoplasm marker intensity",100,1,300);
47 TH1F *
h20 =
new TH1F(
"h20 ",
49 TNtuple *
ntupleYXN =
new TNtuple(
50 TNtuple *
ntupleZX =
new TNtuple(
51 TNtuple *
ntupleYX =
new TNtuple(
58 if (
nlines == 0 )
ncols = fscanf(fp,
"%f %f %f",&tmp,&tmp,&tmp);
59 if (
nlines == 1 )
ncols = fscanf(fp,
"%f %f %f",&voxelSizeX,&voxelSizeY,&voxelSizeZ);
60 if (
nlines == 2 )
ncols = fscanf(fp,
"%f %f %f",&tmp,&tmp,&tmp);
61 if (
nlines >= 3 )
ncols = fscanf(fp,
"%f %f %f %f %f %f", &X, &Y, &Z, &
mat, &den, &vox);
70 if (den==1) h1->Fill( vox );
71 if (den==2) h11->Fill( vox );
72 ntupleYXN->Fill(Y,X,vox);
76 if (den==1) h2->Fill( vox );
77 if (den==2) h20->Fill( vox );
78 ntupleZX->Fill(Z,X,vox);
79 ntupleYX->Fill(Y,X,vox);
90 h1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
91 h1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
92 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
93 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
94 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
95 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
96 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Voxel intensity (0-255)");
97 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Number of events");
101 h11->SetLineColor(8);
102 h11->SetFillColor(8);
109 h2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
110 h2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
111 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
112 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
113 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
114 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
115 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Voxel intensity (0-255)");
116 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Number of events");
120 h20->SetLineColor(5);
121 h20->SetFillColor(5);
128 gStyle->SetOptStat(0000);
130 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
131 gROOT->SetStyle(
136 TH2F *
hist =
new TH2F(
137 ntupleYX->Draw(
140 hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
141 hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
142 hist->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
143 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
144 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
145 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
146 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
147 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Y (µm)");
148 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"X (µm)");
149 hist->SetTitle(
"Cytoplasm intensity on transverse section");
154 TH2F *hist =
new TH2F(
155 ntupleYXN->Draw(
158 hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
159 hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
160 hist->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
161 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
162 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
163 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
164 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
165 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Y (µm)");
166 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"X (µm)");
167 hist->SetTitle(
"Nucleus intensity on transverse section");
171 system (
"rm -rf microbeam.root");
172 system (
"hadd microbeam.root microbeam_*.root");
174 TFile
182 ntuple0 = (TNtuple*)
183 ntuple1 = (TNtuple*)
184 ntuple2 = (TNtuple*)
185 ntuple3 = (TNtuple*)
186 ntuple4 = (TNtuple*)
188 TH1F *h1 =
new TH1F(
"Dose distribution in Nucleus",100,0.001,1.);
189 TH1F *
h10 =
new TH1F(
"Dose distribution in Cytoplasm",100,0.001,.2);
193 ntuple3->Project(
194 scale = 1/h1->Integral();
197 h1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
198 h1->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
199 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
200 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
201 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
202 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
203 h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Absorbed dose (Gy)");
204 h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Fraction of events");
213 ntuple3->Project(
214 scale = 1/h10->Integral();
217 h10->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
218 h10->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
219 h10->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
220 h10->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
221 h10->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
222 h10->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
223 h10->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Absorbed dose (Gy)");
224 h10->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Fraction of events");
225 h10->SetLineColor(2);
226 h10->SetFillColor(2);
232 gStyle->SetOptStat(0000);
234 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
235 gROOT->SetStyle(
239 TH1F *h2 =
new TH1F(
"Beam stopping power at cell entrance",200,0,300);
242 ntuple0->Project(
243 scale = 1/h2->Integral();
246 h2->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
247 h2->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
248 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
249 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
250 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
251 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
252 h2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"dE/dx (keV/µm)");
253 h2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Fraction of events");
254 h2->SetTitle(
"dE/dx at cell entrance");
258 gaus->SetLineColor(6);
269 Xc = -1295.59e3 - 955e3*sin(10*TMath::Pi()/180);
272 Zc = -1327e3 + 955e3*cos(10*TMath::Pi()/180);
275 Xc = Xc + 5.24*cos(10*TMath::Pi()/180);
276 Zc = Zc + 5.24*sin(10*TMath::Pi()/180);
278 TNtuple *
ntupleR =
new TNtuple(
280 ntuple2->SetBranchAddress(
281 ntuple2->SetBranchAddress(
282 ntuple2->SetBranchAddress(
286 ntuple2->GetEntry(i);
292 Z2 = zz*cos(10*TMath::Pi()/180)-xx*sin(10*TMath::Pi()/180);
293 X2 = zz*sin(10*TMath::Pi()/180)+xx*cos(10*TMath::Pi()/180);
295 ntupleR->Fill(Z2,Y2,X2);
299 ntupleR->Draw(
319 gStyle->SetOptStat(0000);
321 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
322 gROOT->SetStyle(
325 TH2F *hist =
new TH2F(
326 ntuple4->Draw(
329 hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
330 hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
331 hist->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
332 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
333 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
334 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
335 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
336 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Y (µm)");
337 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"X (µm)");
338 hist->SetTitle(
"Mean energy deposit -transverse- (z axis in eV)");
342 TH2F *hist =
new TH2F(
343 ntuple4->Draw(
346 hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
347 hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
348 hist->GetZaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
349 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
350 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
351 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
352 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
353 hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Z (µm)");
354 hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"X (µm)");
355 hist->SetTitle(
"Mean energy deposit -longitudinal- (z axis in eV)");
361 gStyle->SetOptStat(0000);
363 gStyle->SetPalette(1);
364 gROOT->SetStyle(
366 TH1F *
h77 =
new TH1F(
367 TH1F *
h88 =
new TH1F(
370 ntuple1->Project(
371 scale = 1/h77->Integral();
374 h77->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
375 h77->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
376 h77->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
377 h77->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
378 h77->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
379 h77->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
380 h77->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Position (µm)");
381 h77->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Fraction of events");
382 h77->SetTitle(
"Beam X position on cell");
383 h77->SetFillColor(4);
384 h77->SetLineColor(4);
385 gaus->SetLineColor(6);
389 ntuple1->Project(
390 scale = 1/h88->Integral();
393 h88->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
394 h88->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.025);
395 h88->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
396 h88->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.035);
397 h88->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
398 h88->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.4);
399 h88->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(
"Position (µm)");
400 h88->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(
"Fraction of events");
401 h88->SetTitle(
"Beam Y position on cell");
402 h88->SetFillColor(4);
403 h88->SetLineColor(4);
404 gaus->SetLineColor(6);
std::istream & jump(std::istream &)
system("rm -rf dna.root")