Geant4  10.00.p01
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1 //
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4 // * *
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26 //
27 //, 2011/08/29 A.Valentin, M. Raine
28 //
29 // Based on the following publications
30 // - Geant4 physics processes for microdosimetry simulation:
31 // very low energy electromagnetic models for electrons in Si,
32 // NIM B, vol. 288, pp. 66 - 73, 2012.
33 //
34 //
35 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
37 #include "G4MicroElecElastic.hh"
38 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
40 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
42 using namespace std;
45  G4ProcessType type):G4VEmProcess (processName, type),
46  isInitialised(false)
47 {
49 }
51 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
54 {}
56 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
59 {
60  return (&p == G4Electron::Electron());
61 }
63 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo....
66 {
67  if(!isInitialised)
68  {
69  isInitialised = true;
70  SetBuildTableFlag(false);
74  AddEmModel(1, EmModel());
75  }
76 }
78 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
81 {
82  // V.I. printout of models is perfored by model manager
83  // if this extra printout is needed it should be
84  // protected by verbosity level
85  /*
86  G4cout
87  << " Total cross sections computed from " << EmModel()->GetName() << " model"
88  << G4endl;
89  */
90 }
92 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
static const double MeV
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:193
virtual G4bool IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition &)
void SetBuildTableFlag(G4bool val)
G4VEmModel * EmModel(G4int index=1) const
virtual void PrintInfo()
void SetHighEnergyLimit(G4double)
Definition: G4VEmModel.hh:683
void SetEmModel(G4VEmModel *, G4int index=1)
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
virtual void InitialiseProcess(const G4ParticleDefinition *)
void SetProcessSubType(G4int)
Definition: G4VProcess.hh:432
static const double eV
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:194
void AddEmModel(G4int, G4VEmModel *, const G4Region *region=0)
G4MicroElecElastic(const G4String &processName="MicroElecElastic", G4ProcessType type=fElectromagnetic)
static G4Electron * Electron()
void SetLowEnergyLimit(G4double)
Definition: G4VEmModel.hh:690