This is the complete list of members for G4ChordFinder, including all inherited members.
AcceptableMissDist(G4double dChordStep) const | G4ChordFinder | inlineprotected |
AccumulateStatistics(G4int noTrials) | G4ChordFinder | inlineprotected |
AdvanceChordLimited(G4FieldTrack &yCurrent, G4double stepInitial, G4double epsStep_Relative, const G4ThreeVector latestSafetyOrigin, G4double lasestSafetyRadius) | G4ChordFinder | |
ApproxCurvePointS(const G4FieldTrack &curveAPointVelocity, const G4FieldTrack &curveBPointVelocity, const G4FieldTrack &ApproxCurveV, const G4ThreeVector ¤tEPoint, const G4ThreeVector ¤tFPoint, const G4ThreeVector &PointG, G4bool first, G4double epsStep) | G4ChordFinder | |
ApproxCurvePointV(const G4FieldTrack &curveAPointVelocity, const G4FieldTrack &curveBPointVelocity, const G4ThreeVector ¤tEPoint, G4double epsStep) | G4ChordFinder | |
fAllocatedStepper | G4ChordFinder | private |
fDefaultDeltaChord | G4ChordFinder | private |
fDeltaChord | G4ChordFinder | private |
fDriversStepper | G4ChordFinder | private |
fEquation | G4ChordFinder | private |
fFirstFraction | G4ChordFinder | private |
fFractionLast | G4ChordFinder | private |
fFractionNextEstimate | G4ChordFinder | private |
FindNextChord(const G4FieldTrack &yStart, G4double stepMax, G4FieldTrack &yEnd, G4double &dyErr, G4double epsStep, G4double *pNextStepForAccuracy, const G4ThreeVector latestSafetyOrigin, G4double latestSafetyRadius) | G4ChordFinder | protectedvirtual |
fIntgrDriver | G4ChordFinder | private |
fLastStepEstimate_Unconstrained | G4ChordFinder | private |
fmaxTrials_FNC | G4ChordFinder | private |
fMultipleRadius | G4ChordFinder | private |
fNoCalls_FNC | G4ChordFinder | private |
fStatsVerbose | G4ChordFinder | private |
fTotalNoTrials_FNC | G4ChordFinder | private |
G4ChordFinder(G4MagInt_Driver *pIntegrationDriver) | G4ChordFinder | |
G4ChordFinder(G4MagneticField *itsMagField, G4double stepMinimum=1.0e-2, G4MagIntegratorStepper *pItsStepper=0) | G4ChordFinder | |
G4ChordFinder(const G4ChordFinder &) | G4ChordFinder | private |
GetDeltaChord() const | G4ChordFinder | inline |
GetFirstFraction() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
GetFractionLast() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
GetFractionNextEstimate() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
GetIntegrationDriver() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
GetLastStepEstimateUnc() | G4ChordFinder | inlineprotected |
GetMultipleRadius() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
GetNoCalls() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
GetNoMaxTrials() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
GetNoTrials() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
InvParabolic(const G4double xa, const G4double ya, const G4double xb, const G4double yb, const G4double xc, const G4double yc) | G4ChordFinder | inline |
NewStep(G4double stepTrialOld, G4double dChordStep, G4double &stepEstimate_Unconstrained) | G4ChordFinder | protected |
operator=(const G4ChordFinder &) | G4ChordFinder | private |
PrintDchordTrial(G4int noTrials, G4double stepTrial, G4double oldStepTrial, G4double dChordStep) | G4ChordFinder | protected |
PrintStatistics() | G4ChordFinder | virtual |
ResetStepEstimate() | G4ChordFinder | inline |
SetDeltaChord(G4double newval) | G4ChordFinder | inline |
SetFirstFraction(G4double fractFirst) | G4ChordFinder | inline |
SetFractions_Last_Next(G4double fractLast=0.90, G4double fractNext=0.95) | G4ChordFinder | |
SetIntegrationDriver(G4MagInt_Driver *IntegrationDriver) | G4ChordFinder | inline |
SetLastStepEstimateUnc(G4double stepEst) | G4ChordFinder | inlineprotected |
SetVerbose(G4int newvalue=1) | G4ChordFinder | inline |
TestChordPrint(G4int noTrials, G4int lastStepTrial, G4double dChordStep, G4double nextStepTrial) | G4ChordFinder | |
~G4ChordFinder() | G4ChordFinder | virtual |