This is the complete list of members for IonHIJINGPhysics, including all inherited members.
AddCaptureCrossSection(G4VCrossSectionDataSet *) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
AddElasticCrossSection(const G4String &, G4VCrossSectionDataSet *) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
AddElasticCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4VCrossSectionDataSet *) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
AddFissionCrossSection(G4VCrossSectionDataSet *) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
AddInelasticCrossSection(const G4String &, G4VCrossSectionDataSet *) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
AddInelasticCrossSection(const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4VCrossSectionDataSet *) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
BuildModel(G4VHadronModelBuilder *, G4double emin, G4double emax) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
ConstructParticle() | G4VHadronPhysics | virtual |
ConstructProcess() | IonHIJINGPhysics | virtual |
FindCaptureProcess() | G4VHadronPhysics | protected |
FindElasticProcess(const G4String &) | G4VHadronPhysics | protected |
FindElasticProcess(const G4ParticleDefinition *) | G4VHadronPhysics | protected |
FindFissionProcess() | G4VHadronPhysics | protected |
FindInelasticProcess(const G4String &) | G4VHadronPhysics | protected |
FindInelasticProcess(const G4ParticleDefinition *) | G4VHadronPhysics | protected |
G4VHadronPhysics(const G4String &name="hInelastic", G4int verbose=0) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
g4vpcInstanceID | G4VPhysicsConstructor | protected |
G4VPhysicsConstructor(const G4String &="") | G4VPhysicsConstructor | |
G4VPhysicsConstructor(const G4String &name, G4int physics_type) | G4VPhysicsConstructor | |
GetInstanceID() const | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inline |
GetPhysicsName() const | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inline |
GetPhysicsType() const | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inline |
GetSubInstanceManager() | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inlinestatic |
GetVerboseLevel() const | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inline |
IonHIJINGPhysics(G4int ver=0) | IonHIJINGPhysics | |
namePhysics | G4VPhysicsConstructor | protected |
NewModel(G4HadronicInteraction *, G4double emin, G4double emax) | G4VHadronPhysics | |
RegisterProcess(G4VProcess *process, G4ParticleDefinition *particle) | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inlineprotected |
SetPhysicsName(const G4String &="") | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inline |
SetPhysicsType(G4int) | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inline |
SetVerboseLevel(G4int value) | G4VPhysicsConstructor | inline |
subInstanceManager | G4VPhysicsConstructor | protectedstatic |
theParticleTable | G4VPhysicsConstructor | protected |
typePhysics | G4VPhysicsConstructor | protected |
verboseLevel | G4VPhysicsConstructor | protected |
~G4VHadronPhysics() | G4VHadronPhysics | virtual |
~G4VPhysicsConstructor() | G4VPhysicsConstructor | virtual |
~IonHIJINGPhysics() | IonHIJINGPhysics | virtual |