Go to the documentation of this file.
2  SUBROUTINE gukine
3 *
4 * Generates Kinematics for primary track
5 *
6 * Data card Kine : Itype Ekine
7 * (pkine(3) is used internaly to store Etot)
8 *
9 #include "geant321/"
10 #include "geant321/"
11 #include "geant321/"
12 #include ""
13 *
14  dimension vertex(3),plab(3)
15  DATA vertex/3*0./
16  DATA plab /3*0./
17 *
18  vertex(3) = - z1 + 0.0001
19  CALL gsvert(vertex,0,0,0,0,nvert)
20 *
21  jpa = lq(jpart-ikine)
22  xmass = q(jpa+7)
23  pkine(3) = xmass + pkine(1)
24  plab(3) = sqrt(pkine(1)*(pkine(3)+xmass))
25 *
26  CALL gskine(plab,ikine,nvert,0,0,nt)
27 *
28 * *** Kinematics debug
29  IF(ievent.EQ.1.OR.idebug.NE.0) CALL gprint('KINE',0)
30 *
31  END
subroutine gukine
Definition: gukine.F:2
TTree * nt
Definition: plotHisto.C:21
static c2_sqrt_p< float_type > & sqrt()
make a *new object
Definition: c2_factory.hh:142