99. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, J. Kim, S. Kim, H. Kim, S. Moon, C. H. Kim, “Development of Mesh-type Computational Human Phantoms Simultaneously Reflecting Various Postures and Body Types of Radiation Workers,” (2024)

98. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, G. Lee, J, Lee, T. Eom, J. Cho, S. Jang, C. H. Kim, “Optimization of Large-area NaI(Tl) Scintillation Detector Based Portable Fast Gamma Imager Using Monte Carlo Simulation,” (2024)

97. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, J. Cho, Y. Ku, S. Jang, J. Jeong, S. H. Kim, S. Cho, C. H. Kim, “Improving the Accuracy of Real-time Dose Visualization in Proton Therapy Using Mcsquare,” (2024)

96. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, T. Eom, J. Lee, G. Lee, Y. Ku, D. Choi, C. H. Kim, “Design and Performance Prediction of Fast Radioactivity Measurement System for Contaminated Soil Monitoring in Nuclear Decommissioning,” (2024)

95. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, S. Kim, B. Shin, H. Kim, M. C. Kim, S. Moon, G. Son, J. Kim, C. H. Kim, “Development of 19 Radiation Worker Pose Phantoms Based on ICRP Adult Mesh-type Reference Computational Phantoms,” (2024) 

94. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, H. Kim, B. Shin, S. Moon, C. Choi, S. Kim, H. Han, G. Son, J. Kim, C. H. Kim, “Updates of User-friendly Monte Carlo Simulation GUI program for External Exposure,” (2023)

93. Appreciation plaque, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, C. H. Kim (2023)

92. Best Paper Award, Journal of Radiological Protection, H. Han, “Development of Detailed Korean Adult Eye Model for Lens Dose Calculation,” (2023)

91. ISORD Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, B. Shin (2023)

90. IRPA 15 Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, S. Kim (2023)

89. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, G. Lee, J. Lee, T. Eom, C. H. Kim, “High-speed Gamma Imaging System for Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management” (2023)

88. Best Presentation Award, ISORD-11, G. Son, “Development of Virtual Dose Monitoring System for Interventional Radiology (VIR)” (2023)

87. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, H. Han, S. Moon, G. Son, B. Shin, S. Kim, H. Kim, C. H. Kim, “Development of the Mesh-type Phantom Posture Deformer Program” (2023)

86. Best Paper Award, Journal of Radiological Protection, C. Choi, “Development of alimentary tract organs for ICRP pediatric mesh-type reference computational phantoms” (2023)

85. Best Presentation Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, S. Son, H. Han, S. Moon, B. Shin, H. Kim, S. Kim, S. Y. Song, C. H. Kim, “Development of Virtual Dose Monitoring System for Interventional Radiology, VIR” (2023)

84. Best Presentation Award, PTCOG, Y. Ku, “Development of New Multi-slit Prompt-gamma Camera for Range Verification in Proton Therapy” (2022)

83. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, B. Shin, C. Choi, S. Kim, H. Kim, H. Han, S. Moon, G. Son, Y. S. Yeom, B. S. Chung, C. H. Kim, “Development of ICRP Mesh-type Reference Pregnant-female Phantom Series: Construction of Fetal Phantoms” (2022)

82. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, J. Lee, S. Choi, G. Lee, D. Kim, C. H. Kim, “Development of Compton CT for Radioactive Waste Drum Monitoring: Optimization and Performance Prediction” (2022)

81. Best Poster Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, S. Choi, J. Lee, G. Lee, D. Kim, C. H. Kim, “Development of Real-time Radiation Image Reconstruction Algorithm on 3-D Maps” (2022)

80. Chairman’s Commendation, Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, C. H. Kim (2021)

79. Best Presentation Paper, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, B. Shin, C. Choi, G. Son, H. Han, S. Moon, S. Ha, S. Kim, Y. S. Yeom, C. H. Kim, “GUI-based Monte Carlo Simulation Program for External Exposure” (2021)

78. Curie Student award, Korean Nuclear Society, G. Lee (2021)

77. Curie Student award, Korean Nuclear Society, H. Han (2021)

76. Best Presentation Paper, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, J. Jung, Y. Ku, S. Choi, C. H. Kim, J. H. Jeong, S. H. Kim, “GUI-based program to monitor beam ranges in proton therapy with multi-slit prompt-gamma camera” (2021)

75. Best Presentation Paper, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, H. Han, S. Moon, C. Choi, B. Shin, S. Ha, G. Son, S. Y. Song, C. H. Kim, “Development of real-time dose calculation methodology according to the posture of interventional radiologist” (2021)

74. IRPA15 Young Scientists Award Winner of Third Prize, C. Choi, “Development of pediatric mesh-type reference computational phantom series of International Commission on Radiological Protection” (2021)

73. Best Paper Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, M. M. Rahman, C. H. Kim, S. H. Kim, “Plan-class specific reference quality assurance for volumetric modulated arc therapy” (2020)

72. Best Presentation Paper, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, C. Choi, B. Shin, H. Han, Y. S. Yeom, S. Ha, S. Moon, G. Son, C. H. Kim, “Calculation of external and internal dose coefficients using ICRP pediatric mesh-type reference computational phantoms” (2020)

71. Best Presentation Paper, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, S. Moon, H. Han, C. Choi, B. Shin, S. Ha, G. Son, C. H. Kim, “4D Monte Carlo dose calculation for NDT source retrieval scenarios” (2020)

70. Best Presentation Paper, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, B. Shin, C. Choi, H. Han, Y. S. Yeom, C. H. Kim, “Development of mesh-type detailed teeth model for retrospective dosimetry” (2019)

69. Best Paper Award, Korean Nuclear Society, C. H. Kim, Y. S. Yeom, C. Choi, H. Han, B. Shin, “Calculation of skeletal fluence-to-dose response functions for Korean adults to photon exposures” (2019)

68. Best Presentation Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, S. H. Kim, J. H. Park, Y. Ku, H. Kim, C. H. Kim, J. H. Jeong, “Detection of interfractional range shift in spot canning proton therapy using gamma electron vertex imaging system: A simulation study” (2019)

67. Best Presentation Award, 7th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, C. Choi , “Development of ICRP pediatric mesh-type reference computational phantoms” (2019)

66. Best Poster Award, Korean Nuclear Society, H. Han, C. Choi, B. Shin, Y. S. Yeom, C. H. Kim, “POLY2TET: A program to convert polygonal surface mesh phantom into tetrahedral volumetric mesh phantom” (2019)

65. Best Presentation Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, S. H. Kim, “Retrieval of proton beam range shift using centroid of gamma electron vertex imaging” (2018)

64. Best Poster Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, X. Zhang, Y. S. Yeom, H. Han, C. Choi, H. Lee, B. Shin, C. H. Kim, “Calculation of photon dose coefficients for idealized external exposures of mesh-type computational phantoms deformed in different postures” (2018)

63. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, B. Shin, C. Choi, H. Lee, H. Han, X. Zhang, Y. S. Yeom, C. H. Kim, “Preliminary study on development of ICRP pediatric mesh-type reference computational phantoms” (2018)

62. Best Presentation Award, Korean Radioactive waste Society, Y. S. Kim, J. H. Kim, J. Lee, C. H. Kim, “Large-area Compton camera for three-dimensional imaging of radioactive contamination in concrete” (2018)

61. Best Paper Award, Korean Nuclear Society, H. Han, T. T. Nguyen, C. H. Kim, B. Shin, Y. S. Yeom, H. Lee, C. Choi, “Dose coefficients for industrial radiography sources calculated with mesh-type computational phantoms in different body sizes” (2018)

60. Best Poster Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, H. Lee, Y. S. Yeom, T. T. Nguyen, C. Choi, H. Han, B. Shin, X. Zhang, C. H. Kim, “Automatic body-shape deformation of mesh-type computational phantoms” (2018)

59. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, X. Zhang, H. Han, Y. S. Yeom, T. T. Nguyen, C. Choi, H. Lee, B. Shin, C. H. Kim, “Development of detailed Korean adult eye model for lens dosimetry” (2018)

58. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, S. H. Kim, J. H. Park, Y. Ku, C. H. Kim, S. Cho, “Proton beam monitoring using gamma electron vertex imaging system: Performance evaluation for anthropomorphic head phantom” (2018)

57. Best Poster Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, H. Han, Y. S. Yeom, T. T. Nguyen, C. Choi, H. Lee, B. Shin, X. Zhang. C. H. Kim, “Paediatric eye models for lens dosimetry” (2017)

56. Best Paper Award, Korean Nuclear Society, C. Choi, C. H. Kim, M. Han, H. Lee, T. T. Nguyen, H. Han, Y. S. Yeom, B. Shin, H. S. Lee, “Calculation of local skin dose coefficients with ICRP mesh-type computational phantoms” (2017)

55. Best Presentation Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, M. Han, “Development of new method to calculate dose distribution in tetrahedral-mesh geometry in Geant4” (2017)

54. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Yeom, T. T. Nguyen, C. Choi, H. Lee, H. Han, M. Han, B. Shin, C. H. Kim, “Impact on dose coefficients calculated with ICRP adult mesh-type reference computational phantoms” (2017)

53. Best Dissertation Award, The Research Institute of Industrial Science, Y. S. Yeom, “Mesh-type computational phantoms representing reference adult male and reference adult female” (2017)

52. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, J. H. Park, H. R. Lee, S. H. Kim, Y. Ku, C. H. Kim, D. H. Shin, S. B. Lee, J. H. Jeong, “Development of automated proton beam range verification algorithm for multi-slit prompt-gamma camera” (2016)

51. Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, J. H. Park, “Development of two-dimensional prompt-gamma measurement system for verification of proton dose distribution” (2016)

50. Korea Leader Award, Korean People Selection Committee, C. H. Kim (2016)

49. Best Paper Award, Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, Y. S. Kim, “ Performance estimation of large-scale high-sensitive Compton camera for pyroprocessing facility monitoring” (2016)

48. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Yeom, T. T. Nguyen. H. S. Kim, C. Choi, M. Chan, C. H. Kim, “Inclusion of skin target layer in mesh-type ICRP reference phantoms and calculation of skin dose coefficients” (2016)

47. Best Paper Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Kim, J. H. Park, H. W. Cho, J. H. Kim, H. R. Kwon, H. Seo, S. H. Park, C. H. Kim, “Performance estimation of large-scale high-sensitive Compton camera for pyroprocessing facility monitoring” (2015)

46. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Yeom, M. Han. H. S. Kim, Y. S. Kim, T. T. Nguyen, C. H. Kim, “Development of posture-changing technique of polygon-mesh phantoms based on ARAP shape deformation” (2015)

45. CP2015 Best Student Paper Award, The 5th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, M. Han, Y. S. Yeom, C. H. Kim, S. H. Kim, J. W. Sohn, “Continuously deforming 4D tetrahedral-mesh phantom based on patient 4D CT data” (2015)

44. CP2015 Best Student Paper Award, The 5th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, J. M. Seo, M. Han, S. H. Lee, S. H. Kim, C. H. Kim, Y. S. Yeom, “Development of “4D voxel phantom” refelcting continuous respiratory motion of patient” (2015)

43. CP2015 Best Student Paper Award, The 5th International Workshop on Computational Human Phantoms, H. S. Kim, Y. S. Yeom, T. T. Nguyen, Z. J. Wang, M. Han, C. H. Kim, J. K. Lee, M. Zankl, N. Petouss-Henss, W. E. Bolch, C. S. Lee, B. S. Chung, “Modeling target regions of alimentary tract in polygon-mesh version of ICRP reference phantoms” (2015)

42. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Kim, J. H. Kim, H. S. Lee, H. R. Lee, J. H. Park, J. H. Park, C. H. Lee, S. H. Park, C. H. Kim, “Development of readout module for multi-slit camera for proton beam range verification” (2015)

41. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Yeom, T. T. Nguyen, M. Han, H. S. Kim, Z. J. Wang, C. H. Kim, “Development of a modeling method for small intestine in surface-based computational human phantom” (2015)

40. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, H. S. Lee, Y. S. Kim, J. H. Kim, C. H. Kim, “Preliminary study of Compton camera for hot-spot detection in radioactive waste drum” (2014)

39. Best Presentation Award, Korea-Japan Joint Meeting on Medical Physics, H. R. Lee, “Prediction of performance for prototype gamma electron vertex imaging (GEVI) system by Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation” (2014)

38. Best Presentation Award, Korea-Japan Joint Meeting on Medical Physics, M. Han, “Genuine 4D Monte Carlo dose calculation with 4D tetrahedral patient phantom” (2014)

37. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Kim, J. H. Kim, C. H. Kim, H. Seo, S. H. Park, “Development of prototype Compton camera for nuclear material monitoring in pyroprocessing facility” (2014)

36. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, S. Y. Park, Y. S. Yeom, M. Han, C. H. Kim, “Direct implementation and dose calculation of polygonal-mesh computational human phantom in MCNP6 code” (2014)

35. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Yeom, J. H. Jeong, H. Min, C. H. Kim, S. H. Kim, “Development of tetrahedral-mesh phantom for fast Monte Carlo dose calculation” (2013)

34. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, J. H. Park, H. R. Lee, Y. S.Kim, C. H. Kim, Y. K Jung, “Development of multi-channel signal processing system for hodoscope in gamma electron vertex imaging system” (2013)

33. Medical Physics Specialized Curriculum Excellence Prize, Korean Society of Medical Physics, Y. S. Yeom (2013)

32. Medical Physics Specialized Curriculum First Prize, Korean Society of Medical Physics, H. R. Lee (2013)

31. Best Paper Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, H. R. Lee, “Study on optimization of detection system of prompt gamma distribution for photon dose verification”

30. Young Scientist Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, M. Han, “DagSolid: a new Geant4 solid class for fast simulation in polygon-mesh geometry” (2013)

29. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, Y. S. Kim, C. H. Kim, “Feasibility study and performance evaluation of gamma electron vertex imaging with time projection chamber” (2013)

28. Best Presentation Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, M. Han, Y. S. Yeom, J. H. Jeong, C. H. Kim, S. H. Kim, “Development and performance evaluation of new Geant4 class for fast Monte Carlo simulation of polygon phantom” (2013)

27. Best Paper Award, Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society, Y. S. Yeom, C. H. Kim, J. H. Jeong, M. Han, S. J. Han, “Polygon-mesh computational human phantom representing ICRP reference male” (2012)

26. Best Poster Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, S. H. Choi (2012)

25. Young Medical Physicist Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, H. R. Lee, “Design optimization of a 2D prompt-gamma measurement system for proton dose verification” (2012)

24. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, J. H. Park, “Performance prediction of gamma electron vertex imaging for dose verification in particle beam therapy” (2012)

23. Best Poster Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, M. Han, C. H. Kim, J. H. Jeong, Y. S. Yeom, S. J. Han, “Voxelization program of polygon surface phantom for Monte Carlo dose calculations” (2012)

22. Best Poster Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, H. R. Lee, “Development of scanning-based two-dimensional prompt gamma measurement system for proton dose verification” (2012)

21. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, J. H. Park, H. Seo, J. H. Park, Y. S. Kim, C. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, C. S. Lee, “Development of signal processing circuit for CsI(Tl) scintillation detector for use in Compton camera” (2011)

20. Best Presentation Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, H. R. Lee, C. H. Min, C. H. Kim, “Development of compact prompt gamma measurement system for proton dose verification” (2011)

19. Best Presentation Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, S. Cho, C. H. Kim, H. K. Kim, T. Y. Kong, C. H. Min, H. Seo, J. H. Park, “Verification of effective dose estimation methodology for radiation worker in non-uniform radiation fields in nuclear power plant” (2010)

18. Minister’s Commendation, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, C. H. Kim (2010)

17. Student Award, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, H. Seo, “Design, development and validation of electron ionisation models for nano-scale simulation” (2010)

16. Young Medical Physicist Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, J. H. Park, “Explicit modeling of timing characteristics in Compton camera simulation with Geant4” (2010)

15. Best Poster Award, Korean Nuclear Society, H. S. Jeong, Y. L. Han, G. O. Yeon, C. H. Kim, J. H. Park, “Analysis on dose distribution in heterogeneous condition for narrow 6 MV X-ray beams” (2010)

14. Best Paper Award, Korean Nuclear Society, J. H. Park, H. Seo, C. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, C. S. Lee, J. S. Lee, “Design of multi-absorber detection system for double-scattering Compton camera to improve imaging sensitivity” (2010)

13. Capstone Design Fair First Prize, Hanyang University, H. R. Lee (2009)

12. Young Medical Physicist Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, S. Cho, “Development of female ATOM-MIRD hybrid voxel model for Monte Carlo dose calculations” (2009)

11. Young Medical Physicist Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, J. H. Jeong, “Development of deformable computational model for Korean adult male based on polygon and NURBS surfaces” (2009)

10. Encouragement Prize, Hanyang University, C. H. Min, H. R. Lee, Y. S. Yeom (2009)

9. President’s Award, Korean Nuclear Society, H. R. Lee (2009)

8. Young Medical Physicist Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, S. H. Lee, “Performance evaluation of a table-top Compton camera for various detector parameters” (2008)

7. Best Poster Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, H. Seo, S. H. Lee, C. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, C. S. Lee, J. S. Lee, “ Development of proof-of-principle system for double-scattering Compton camera” (2008)

6. Best Paper Award, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, S. J. Kwon (2008)

5. Best Paper Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, S. Cho, S. H. Choi, C. H. Kim, “Determination of dose correction factors for MOSFET dosimeters for energy spectrum in steam generator channel head” (2007)

4. Young Medical Physicist Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, H. Seo, “Monte Carlo study of a double-scattering Compton camera with Geant4” (2007)

3. Young Medical Physicist Award, Korean Society of Medical Physics, C. H. Min, “Prompt gamma measurements for locating the dose fall-off region” (2007)

2. Best Paper Award, Korean Association for Radiation Protection, S. Cho, C. H. Kim, S. H. Choi, J. H. Jeong, ”Construction of hybrid voxel model for organ dose measurement and calculation from radiation exposure” (2007)

1. Best Paper Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, B. H. Park (2007)