This is the complete list of members for G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection, including all inherited members.
CalculateCrossSection(G4bool CS, G4int F, G4int I, G4int PDG, G4int Z, G4int N, G4double Momentum) | G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection | virtual |
EquLinearFit(G4double X, G4int N, G4double X0, G4double DX, G4double *Y) | G4VQCrossSection | protected |
G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection() | G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection | inlineprotected |
G4VQCrossSection() | G4VQCrossSection | inlineprotected |
GetCrossSection(G4bool fCS, G4double pMom, G4int tgZ, G4int tgN, G4int pPDG=0) | G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection | virtual |
GetDirectPart(G4double Q2) | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetExchangeEnergy() | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetExchangePDGCode() | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetExchangeQ2(G4double nu=0) | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetExchangeT(G4int tZ, G4int tN, G4int pPDG) | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetHMaxT() | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetLastQELCS() | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetLastTOTCS() | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetNPartons(G4double Q2) | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetNQE_ExchangeQ2() | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetPointer() | G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection | static |
GetQEL_ExchangeQ2() | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetSlope(G4int tZ, G4int tN, G4int pPDG) | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
GetVirtualFactor(G4double nu, G4double Q2) | G4VQCrossSection | virtual |
LinearFit(G4double X, G4int N, G4double *XN, G4double *YN) | G4VQCrossSection | protected |
setTolerance(G4double tol) | G4VQCrossSection | inlinestatic |
ThresholdEnergy(G4int Z, G4int N, G4int PDG=22) | G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection | virtual |
tolerance | G4VQCrossSection | protectedstatic |
~G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection() | G4QPhotonNuclearCrossSection | |
~G4VQCrossSection() | G4VQCrossSection | inlinevirtual |