This is the complete list of members for G4NuclWatcher, including all inherited members.
G4NuclWatcher(G4int z, const std::vector< G4double > &expa, const std::vector< G4double > &expcs, const std::vector< G4double > &experr, G4bool check, G4bool nucl) | G4NuclWatcher | |
getAverageRatio() const | G4NuclWatcher | inline |
getChsq() const | G4NuclWatcher | inline |
getExpCs() const | G4NuclWatcher | |
getInuclCs() const | G4NuclWatcher | |
getLhood() const | G4NuclWatcher | inline |
getNmatched() const | G4NuclWatcher | inline |
look_forNuclei() const | G4NuclWatcher | inline |
print() | G4NuclWatcher | |
setInuclCs(G4double csec, G4int nev) | G4NuclWatcher | |
to_check() const | G4NuclWatcher | inline |
watch(G4int a, G4int z) | G4NuclWatcher | |
~G4NuclWatcher() | G4NuclWatcher | inline |