This is the complete list of members for G4NURBScylinder, including all inherited members.
CalcPoint(G4double u, G4double v, G4Point3D &p, G4Vector3D &utan, G4Vector3D &vtan) const | G4NURBS | |
check enum value | G4NURBS | protected |
CP(G4NURBS::t_CtrlPt &rcp, t_Coord x, t_Coord y, t_Coord z, t_Coord w) | G4NURBS | inlineprotectedstatic |
CP(G4NURBS::t_CtrlPt &rcp, t_Coord x, t_Coord y, t_Coord z, t_Coord w, G4Float factor) | G4NURBS | inlineprotectedstatic |
DMask enum value | G4NURBS | |
fAllocatedVisAttributes | G4Visible | protected |
fpVisAttributes | G4Visible | protected |
G4Float typedef | G4NURBS | protected |
G4NURBS(t_order in_Uorder, t_order in_Vorder, t_inddCtrlPt in_UnbrCtrlPts, t_inddCtrlPt in_VnbrCtrlPts, t_CtrlPt *in_pCtrlPts, t_Knot *in_pUKnots=0, t_Knot *in_pVKnots=0, t_CheckFlag in_CheckFlag=check) | G4NURBS | protected |
G4NURBS(t_order in_Uorder, t_order in_Vorder, t_inddCtrlPt in_UnbrCtrlPts, t_inddCtrlPt in_VnbrCtrlPts, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_UKVGFlag=Regular, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_VKVGFlag=Regular, t_CheckFlag in_CheckFlag=check) | G4NURBS | protected |
G4NURBScylinder(G4double R, G4double DZ) | G4NURBScylinder | |
G4Visible() | G4Visible | |
G4Visible(const G4Visible &) | G4Visible | |
G4Visible(const G4VisAttributes *) | G4Visible | |
GetdoubleAllCtrlPts() const | G4NURBS | |
GetdoubleAllKnots(t_direction in_dir) const | G4NURBS | |
GetdoubleCtrlPt(t_indCtrlPt in_onedimindex) const | G4NURBS | |
GetdoubleCtrlPt(t_inddCtrlPt in_Uindex, t_inddCtrlPt in_Vindex) const | G4NURBS | |
GetdoubleKnot(t_direction in_dir, t_indKnot in_index) const | G4NURBS | |
GetfloatAllCtrlPts() const | G4NURBS | |
GetfloatAllKnots(t_direction in_dir) const | G4NURBS | |
GetfloatCtrlPt(t_indCtrlPt in_onedimindex) const | G4NURBS | |
GetfloatCtrlPt(t_inddCtrlPt in_Uindex, t_inddCtrlPt in_Vindex) const | G4NURBS | |
GetfloatKnot(t_direction in_dir, t_indKnot in_index) const | G4NURBS | |
GetnbrCtrlPts(t_direction in_dir) const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetnbrKnots(t_direction in_dir) const | G4NURBS | inline |
Getorder(t_direction in_dir) const | G4NURBS | inline |
GettotalnbrCtrlPts() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetUmax() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetUmin() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetUnbrCtrlPts() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetUnbrKnots() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetUorder() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetVisAttributes() const | G4Visible | |
GetVmax() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetVmin() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetVnbrCtrlPts() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetVnbrKnots() const | G4NURBS | inline |
GetVorder() const | G4NURBS | inline |
m | G4NURBS | protected |
MakeKnotVector(t_Dir &inout_dirdat, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_KVGFlag) | G4NURBS | protectedstatic |
MakeKnotVector(t_Dir *p_inoutdirdat, t_KnotVectorGenFlag in_KVGFlag) | G4NURBS | inlineprotectedstatic |
mpCtrlPts | G4NURBS | protected |
mtotnbrCtrlPts | G4NURBS | protected |
NOcheck enum value | G4NURBS | protected |
NofC enum value | G4NURBS | |
NofD enum value | G4NURBS | |
operator!=(const G4Visible &right) const | G4Visible | |
G4Visible::operator=(const G4Visible &) | G4Visible | |
Regular enum value | G4NURBS | |
RegularRep enum value | G4NURBS | |
SetVisAttributes(const G4VisAttributes *) | G4Visible | |
SetVisAttributes(const G4VisAttributes &) | G4Visible | |
t_CheckFlag enum name | G4NURBS | protected |
t_Coord typedef | G4NURBS | protected |
t_CtrlPt typedef | G4NURBS | protected |
t_direction enum name | G4NURBS | |
t_doubleCtrlPt typedef | G4NURBS | |
t_floatCtrlPt typedef | G4NURBS | |
t_indCoord typedef | G4NURBS | |
t_indCtrlPt typedef | G4NURBS | |
t_inddCtrlPt typedef | G4NURBS | |
t_index typedef | G4NURBS | |
t_indKnot typedef | G4NURBS | |
t_Knot typedef | G4NURBS | |
t_KnotVectorGenFlag enum name | G4NURBS | |
t_order typedef | G4NURBS | |
To1d(t_inddCtrlPt in_Uindex, t_inddCtrlPt in_Vindex) const | G4NURBS | inlineprotected |
Tochar(t_direction in_dir) | G4NURBS | inlinestatic |
TodoubleCtrlPt(const t_CtrlPt &) | G4NURBS | inlineprotectedstatic |
TofloatCtrlPt(const t_CtrlPt &) | G4NURBS | inlineprotectedstatic |
U enum value | G4NURBS | |
UserDefined enum value | G4NURBS | |
V enum value | G4NURBS | |
W enum value | G4NURBS | |
Whoami() const | G4NURBScylinder | virtual |
X enum value | G4NURBS | |
Y enum value | G4NURBS | |
Z enum value | G4NURBS | |
~G4NURBS() | G4NURBS | virtual |
~G4Visible() | G4Visible | virtual |