Geant4  9.6.p02
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2  SUBROUTINE gustep
3 *
4 * User routine called at the end of each tracking step
5 *
6 #include "geant321/"
7 #include "geant321/"
8 #include "geant321/"
9 #include "geant321/"
10 #include ""
11 *
12 *
13 * *** Debug event and store tracks for drawing
14  IF (idebug.NE.0) CALL gpcxyz
15  IF ((iswit(1).EQ.1).AND.(charge.NE.0.)) CALL gsxyz
16  IF (iswit(1).EQ.2) CALL gsxyz
17 *
18 * *** Something generated ?
19  IF(ngkine.GT.0) CALL gsking(0)
20 *
21 * *** Energy deposited
22  IF(destep.GT.0.) etot = etot + destep
23 *
24  END