Geant4  10.02.p02
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 // $Id:$
3 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //
5 // This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics.
6 //
7 // This contains the definitions of the inline member functions of the
8 // Hep4RotationInterface and Hep3RotationInterface classes, and of the
9 // HepRep3x3 and HepRep4x4 structs.
10 //
12 namespace CLHEP {
14 //-*********
15 // HepRep3x3
16 //-*********
18 inline HepRep3x3::HepRep3x3() :
19  xx_(1.0), xy_(0.0), xz_(0.0)
20  , yx_(0.0), yy_(1.0), yz_(0.0)
21  , zx_(0.0), zy_(0.0), zz_(1.0)
22 {}
24 inline HepRep3x3::HepRep3x3( double xx, double xy, double xz
25  , double yx, double yy, double yz
26  , double zx, double zy, double zz
27  ) :
28  xx_(xx), xy_(xy), xz_(xz)
29  , yx_(yx), yy_(yy), yz_(yz)
30  , zx_(zx), zy_(zy), zz_(zz)
31 {}
33 inline HepRep3x3::HepRep3x3( const double * array ) {
34  const double * a = array;
35  double * r = &xx_;
36  for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) { *r++ = *a++; }
37 }
39 inline void HepRep3x3::setToIdentity() {
40  xx_ = 1.0; xy_ = 0.0; xz_ = 0.0;
41  yx_ = 0.0; yy_ = 1.0; yz_ = 0.0;
42  zx_ = 0.0; zy_ = 0.0; zz_ = 1.0;
43 }
45 inline void HepRep3x3::getArray( double * array ) const {
46  double * a = array;
47  const double * r = &xx_;
48  for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) { *a++ = *r++; }
49 }
52 //-*********
53 // HepRep4x4
54 //-*********
56 inline HepRep4x4::HepRep4x4() :
57  xx_(1.0), xy_(0.0), xz_(0.0), xt_(0.0)
58  , yx_(0.0), yy_(1.0), yz_(0.0), yt_(0.0)
59  , zx_(0.0), zy_(0.0), zz_(1.0), zt_(0.0)
60  , tx_(0.0), ty_(0.0), tz_(0.0), tt_(1.0)
61 {}
63 inline HepRep4x4::HepRep4x4(
64  double xx, double xy, double xz, double xt
65  , double yx, double yy, double yz, double yt
66  , double zx, double zy, double zz, double zt
67  , double tx, double ty, double tz, double tt
68  ) :
69  xx_(xx), xy_(xy), xz_(xz), xt_(xt)
70  , yx_(yx), yy_(yy), yz_(yz), yt_(yt)
71  , zx_(zx), zy_(zy), zz_(zz), zt_(zt)
72  , tx_(tx), ty_(ty), tz_(tz), tt_(tt)
73 {}
75 inline HepRep4x4::HepRep4x4( const HepRep4x4Symmetric & rep ) :
76  xx_(rep.xx_), xy_(rep.xy_), xz_(rep.xz_), xt_(rep.xt_)
77  , yx_(rep.xy_), yy_(rep.yy_), yz_(rep.yz_), yt_(rep.yt_)
78  , zx_(rep.xz_), zy_(rep.yz_), zz_(rep.zz_), zt_(rep.zt_)
79  , tx_(rep.xt_), ty_(rep.yt_), tz_(rep.zt_), tt_(rep.tt_)
80 {}
82 inline HepRep4x4::HepRep4x4( const double * array ) {
83  const double * a = array;
84  double * r = &xx_;
85  for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { *r++ = *a++; }
86 }
88 inline void HepRep4x4::setToIdentity() {
89  xx_ = 1.0; xy_ = 0.0; xz_ = 0.0; xt_ = 0.0;
90  yx_ = 0.0; yy_ = 1.0; yz_ = 0.0; yt_ = 0.0;
91  zx_ = 0.0; zy_ = 0.0; zz_ = 1.0; zt_ = 0.0;
92  tx_ = 0.0; ty_ = 0.0; tz_ = 0.0; tt_ = 1.0;
93 }
95 inline void HepRep4x4::getArray( double * array ) const {
96  double * a = array;
97  const double * r = &xx_;
98  for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { *a++ = *r++; }
99 }
101 inline bool HepRep4x4::operator == (const HepRep4x4 & r) const {
102  return( xx_ == r.xx_ && xy_ == r.xy_ && xz_ == r.xz_ && xt_ == r.xt_ &&
103  yx_ == r.yx_ && yy_ == r.yy_ && yz_ == r.yz_ && yt_ == r.yt_ &&
104  zx_ == r.zx_ && zy_ == r.zy_ && zz_ == r.zz_ && zt_ == r.zt_ &&
105  tx_ == r.tx_ && ty_ == r.ty_ && tz_ == r.tz_ && tt_ == r.tt_ );
106 }
108 inline bool HepRep4x4::operator != (const HepRep4x4 & r) const {
109  return !(operator== (r));
110 }
112 //-******************
113 // HepRep4x4Symmetric
114 //-******************
116 inline HepRep4x4Symmetric::HepRep4x4Symmetric() :
117  xx_(1.0), xy_(0.0), xz_(0.0), xt_(0.0)
118  , yy_(1.0), yz_(0.0), yt_(0.0)
119  , zz_(1.0), zt_(0.0)
120  , tt_(1.0)
121 {}
123 inline HepRep4x4Symmetric::HepRep4x4Symmetric
124  ( double xx, double xy, double xz, double xt
125  , double yy, double yz, double yt
126  , double zz, double zt
127  , double tt ) :
128  xx_(xx), xy_(xy), xz_(xz), xt_(xt)
129  , yy_(yy), yz_(yz), yt_(yt)
130  , zz_(zz), zt_(zt)
131  , tt_(tt)
132 {}
134 inline HepRep4x4Symmetric::HepRep4x4Symmetric( const double * array ) {
135  const double * a = array;
136  double * r = &xx_;
137  for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { *r++ = *a++; }
138 }
140 inline void HepRep4x4Symmetric::setToIdentity() {
141  xx_ = 1.0; xy_ = 0.0; xz_ = 0.0; xt_ = 0.0;
142  yy_ = 1.0; yz_ = 0.0; yt_ = 0.0;
143  zz_ = 1.0; zt_ = 0.0;
144  tt_ = 1.0;
145 }
147 inline void HepRep4x4Symmetric::getArray( double * array ) const {
148  double * a = array;
149  const double * r = &xx_;
150  for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { *a++ = *r++; }
151 }
153 } // namespace CLHEP