This is the complete list of members for UExtrudedSolid, including all inherited members.
AddFacet(VUFacet *aFacet) | UTessellatedSolid | |
AddGeneralPolygonFacets() | UExtrudedSolid | private |
AllocatedMemory() | UTessellatedSolid | |
AllocatedMemoryWithoutVoxels() | UTessellatedSolid | |
Capacity() | UTessellatedSolid | inlinevirtual |
Clone() const | UExtrudedSolid | virtual |
ComputeBBox(UBBox *, bool) | UTessellatedSolid | inlinevirtual |
ComputeProjectionParameters() | UExtrudedSolid | private |
DisplayAllocatedMemory() | UTessellatedSolid | |
DistanceToIn(const UVector3 &p, const UVector3 &v, double aPstep=UUtils::kInfinity) const | UTessellatedSolid | inlinevirtual |
DistanceToOut(const UVector3 &aPoint, const UVector3 &aDirection, UVector3 &aNormalVector, bool &aConvex, double aPstep=UUtils::kInfinity) const | UExtrudedSolid | virtual |
EAxisType enum name | VUSolid | |
eInside enum value | VUSolid | |
EnumInside enum name | VUSolid | |
eOutside enum value | VUSolid | |
EstimateCubicVolume(int nStat, double epsilon) const | VUSolid | |
EstimateSurfaceArea(int nStat, double ell) const | VUSolid | |
eSurface enum value | VUSolid | |
eXaxis enum value | VUSolid | |
Extent(UVector3 &aMin, UVector3 &aMax) const | UTessellatedSolid | virtual |
ExtentAxis(EAxisType aAxis, double &aMin, double &aMax) const | VUSolid | virtual |
eYaxis enum value | VUSolid | |
eZaxis enum value | VUSolid | |
faTolerance | VUSolid | protectedstatic |
fGeometryType | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fgTolerance | VUSolid | protectedstatic |
fIsConvex | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fKOffsets | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fKScales | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fNv | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fNz | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fOffset0s | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fPolygon | UExtrudedSolid | private |
frTolerance | VUSolid | protectedstatic |
fScale0s | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fTriangles | UExtrudedSolid | private |
fZSections | UExtrudedSolid | private |
GetAngle(UVector2 p0, UVector2 pa, UVector2 pb) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
GetAngTolerance() const | VUSolid | inline |
GetCarTolerance() const | VUSolid | inline |
GetEntityType() const | UExtrudedSolid | virtual |
GetFacet(int i) const | UTessellatedSolid | inline |
GetMaxXExtent() const | UTessellatedSolid | |
GetMaxYExtent() const | UTessellatedSolid | |
GetMaxZExtent() const | UTessellatedSolid | |
GetMinXExtent() const | UTessellatedSolid | |
GetMinYExtent() const | UTessellatedSolid | |
GetMinZExtent() const | UTessellatedSolid | |
GetName() const | VUSolid | inline |
GetNofVertices() const | UExtrudedSolid | inline |
GetNofZSections() const | UExtrudedSolid | inline |
GetNumberOfFacets() const | UTessellatedSolid | |
GetParametersList(int, double *) const | UTessellatedSolid | inlinevirtual |
GetPointOnSurface() const | UTessellatedSolid | virtual |
GetPolygon() const | UExtrudedSolid | inline |
GetRadTolerance() const | VUSolid | inline |
GetSolidClosed() const | UTessellatedSolid | |
GetSurfaceArea() | UTessellatedSolid | virtual |
GetVertex(int index) const | UExtrudedSolid | inline |
GetVertex(int iz, int ind) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
GetVoxels() | UTessellatedSolid | inline |
GetZSection(int index) const | UExtrudedSolid | inline |
GetZSections() const | UExtrudedSolid | inline |
Initialise(std::vector< UVector2 > &polygon, std::vector< ZSection > &zsections) | UExtrudedSolid | |
Initialise(std::vector< UVector2 > &polygon, double dz, UVector2 off1, double scale1, UVector2 off2, double scale2) | UExtrudedSolid | |
Inside(const UVector3 &aPoint) const | UExtrudedSolid | virtual |
IsConvex() const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
IsPointInside(UVector2 a, UVector2 b, UVector2 c, UVector2 p) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
IsSameLine(UVector2 p, UVector2 l1, UVector2 l2) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
IsSameLineSegment(UVector2 p, UVector2 l1, UVector2 l2) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
IsSameSide(UVector2 p1, UVector2 p2, UVector2 l1, UVector2 l2) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
MakeDownFacet(int ind1, int ind2, int ind3) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
MakeFacets() | UExtrudedSolid | private |
MakeUpFacet(int ind1, int ind2, int ind3) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
Normal(const UVector3 &p, UVector3 &aNormal) const | UTessellatedSolid | virtual |
operator+=(const UTessellatedSolid &right) | UTessellatedSolid | |
operator=(const UExtrudedSolid &rhs) | UExtrudedSolid | |
UTessellatedSolid::operator=(const UTessellatedSolid &s) | UTessellatedSolid | |
ProjectPoint(const UVector3 &point) const | UExtrudedSolid | private |
SafetyFromInside(const UVector3 &aPoint, bool aAccurate=false) const | UExtrudedSolid | virtual |
SafetyFromOutside(const UVector3 &p, bool aAccurate=false) const | UTessellatedSolid | virtual |
SamplePointsInside(int, UVector3 *) const | VUSolid | inlinevirtual |
SamplePointsOnEdge(int, UVector3 *) const | VUSolid | inlinevirtual |
SamplePointsOnSurface(int, UVector3 *) const | VUSolid | inlinevirtual |
SetAngTolerance(double eps) | VUSolid | |
SetCarTolerance(double eps) | VUSolid | |
SetMaxVoxels(int max) | UTessellatedSolid | inline |
SetName(const std::string &aName) | VUSolid | inline |
SetRadTolerance(double eps) | VUSolid | |
SetSolidClosed(const bool t) | UTessellatedSolid | |
StreamInfo(std::ostream &os) const | UExtrudedSolid | virtual |
SurfaceArea() | UTessellatedSolid | inlinevirtual |
Tolerance() | VUSolid | inlinestatic |
UExtrudedSolid(const std::string &pName, std::vector< UVector2 > polygon, std::vector< ZSection > zsections) | UExtrudedSolid | |
UExtrudedSolid(const std::string &pName, std::vector< UVector2 > polygon, double halfZ, UVector2 off1, double scale1, UVector2 off2, double scale2) | UExtrudedSolid | |
UExtrudedSolid() | UExtrudedSolid | |
UExtrudedSolid(const UExtrudedSolid &rhs) | UExtrudedSolid | |
UTessellatedSolid() | UTessellatedSolid | |
UTessellatedSolid(const std::string &name) | UTessellatedSolid | |
UTessellatedSolid(__void__ &) | UTessellatedSolid | |
UTessellatedSolid(const UTessellatedSolid &s) | UTessellatedSolid | |
VUSolid() | VUSolid | |
VUSolid(const std::string &name) | VUSolid | |
~UExtrudedSolid() | UExtrudedSolid | virtual |
~UTessellatedSolid() | UTessellatedSolid | virtual |
~VUSolid() | VUSolid | virtual |