This is the complete list of members for G4VTwistSurface, including all inherited members.
AmIOnLeftSide(const G4ThreeVector &me, const G4ThreeVector &vec, G4bool withTol=true) | G4VTwistSurface | virtual |
ComputeGlobalDirection(const G4ThreeVector &lp) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
ComputeGlobalPoint(const G4ThreeVector &lp) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
ComputeLocalDirection(const G4ThreeVector &gp) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
ComputeLocalPoint(const G4ThreeVector &gp) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
DebugPrint() const | G4VTwistSurface | |
DistanceTo(const G4ThreeVector &gp, G4ThreeVector &gxx) | G4VTwistSurface | virtual |
DistanceToBoundary(G4int areacode, G4ThreeVector &xx, const G4ThreeVector &p) | G4VTwistSurface | virtual |
DistanceToIn(const G4ThreeVector &gp, const G4ThreeVector &gv, G4ThreeVector &gxxbest) | G4VTwistSurface | virtual |
DistanceToLine(const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &x0, const G4ThreeVector &d, G4ThreeVector &xx) | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
DistanceToOut(const G4ThreeVector &gp, const G4ThreeVector &gv, G4ThreeVector &gxxbest) | G4VTwistSurface | virtual |
DistanceToPlane(const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &x0, const G4ThreeVector &n0, G4ThreeVector &xx) | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
DistanceToPlane(const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &x0, const G4ThreeVector &t1, const G4ThreeVector &t2, G4ThreeVector &xx, G4ThreeVector &n) | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
DistanceToPlaneWithV(const G4ThreeVector &p, const G4ThreeVector &v, const G4ThreeVector &x0, const G4ThreeVector &n0, G4ThreeVector &xx) | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
DistanceToSurface(const G4ThreeVector &gp, const G4ThreeVector &gv, G4ThreeVector gxx[], G4double distance[], G4int areacode[], G4bool isvalid[], EValidate validate=kValidateWithTol)=0 | G4VTwistSurface | pure virtual |
DistanceToSurface(const G4ThreeVector &gp, G4ThreeVector gxx[], G4double distance[], G4int areacode[])=0 | G4VTwistSurface | pure virtual |
EValidate enum name | G4VTwistSurface | |
fAmIOnLeftSide | G4VTwistSurface | private |
fAxis | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fAxisMax | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fAxisMin | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fBoundaries | G4VTwistSurface | private |
fCorners | G4VTwistSurface | private |
fCurrentNormal | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fCurStat | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fCurStatWithV | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fHandedness | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fIsValidNorm | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fName | G4VTwistSurface | private |
fNeighbours | G4VTwistSurface | private |
fRot | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
fTrans | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
G4VTwistSurface(const G4String &name) | G4VTwistSurface | |
G4VTwistSurface(const G4String &name, const G4RotationMatrix &rot, const G4ThreeVector &tlate, G4int handedness, const EAxis axis1, const EAxis axis2, G4double axis0min=-kInfinity, G4double axis1min=-kInfinity, G4double axis0max=kInfinity, G4double axis1max=kInfinity) | G4VTwistSurface | |
G4VTwistSurface(__void__ &) | G4VTwistSurface | |
GetAreaCode(const G4ThreeVector &xx, G4bool withtol=true)=0 | G4VTwistSurface | protectedpure virtual |
GetAxisType(G4int areacode, G4int whichaxis) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
GetBoundaryAtPZ(G4int areacode, const G4ThreeVector &p) const | G4VTwistSurface | virtual |
GetBoundaryAxis(G4int areacode, EAxis axis[]) const | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
GetBoundaryLimit(G4int areacode, G4double limit[]) const | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
GetBoundaryMax(G4double)=0 | G4VTwistSurface | pure virtual |
GetBoundaryMin(G4double)=0 | G4VTwistSurface | pure virtual |
GetBoundaryParameters(const G4int &areacode, G4ThreeVector &d, G4ThreeVector &x0, G4int &boundarytype) const | G4VTwistSurface | virtual |
GetCorner(G4int areacode) const | G4VTwistSurface | inlineprotected |
GetEdgeVisibility(G4int i, G4int j, G4int m, G4int n, G4int number, G4int orientation) | G4VTwistSurface | |
GetFace(G4int i, G4int j, G4int m, G4int n, G4int iside) | G4VTwistSurface | |
GetFacets(G4int m, G4int n, G4double xyz[][3], G4int faces[][4], G4int iside)=0 | G4VTwistSurface | pure virtual |
GetName() const | G4VTwistSurface | inlinevirtual |
GetNeighbours() | G4VTwistSurface | inlineprotected |
GetNeighbours(G4int areacode, G4VTwistSurface *surfaces[]) | G4VTwistSurface | inlineprotected |
GetNode(G4int i, G4int j, G4int m, G4int n, G4int iside) | G4VTwistSurface | |
GetNormal(const G4ThreeVector &xx, G4bool isGlobal)=0 | G4VTwistSurface | pure virtual |
GetSurfaceArea()=0 | G4VTwistSurface | pure virtual |
IsAxis0(G4int areacode) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
IsAxis1(G4int areacode) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
IsBoundary(G4int areacode, G4bool testbitmode=false) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
IsCorner(G4int areacode, G4bool testbitmode=false) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
IsInside(G4int areacode, G4bool testbitmode=false) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
IsOutside(G4int areacode) const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
IsSameBoundary(G4VTwistSurface *surface1, G4int areacode1, G4VTwistSurface *surface2, G4int areacode2) const | G4VTwistSurface | |
IsValidNorm() const | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
kCarTolerance | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
kDontValidate enum value | G4VTwistSurface | |
kUninitialized enum value | G4VTwistSurface | |
kValidateWithoutTol enum value | G4VTwistSurface | |
kValidateWithTol enum value | G4VTwistSurface | |
sAreaMask | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxis0 | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxis1 | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxisMask | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxisMax | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxisMin | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxisPhi | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxisRho | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxisX | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxisY | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sAxisZ | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sBoundary | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sC0Max1Max | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sC0Max1Min | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sC0Min1Max | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sC0Min1Min | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sCorner | G4VTwistSurface | static |
SetAxis(G4int i, const EAxis axis) | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
SetBoundaries()=0 | G4VTwistSurface | privatepure virtual |
SetBoundary(const G4int &axiscode, const G4ThreeVector &direction, const G4ThreeVector &x0, const G4int &boundarytype) | G4VTwistSurface | protectedvirtual |
SetCorner(G4int areacode, G4double x, G4double y, G4double z) | G4VTwistSurface | protected |
SetCorners()=0 | G4VTwistSurface | privatepure virtual |
SetNeighbours(G4VTwistSurface *axis0min, G4VTwistSurface *axis1min, G4VTwistSurface *axis0max, G4VTwistSurface *axis1max) | G4VTwistSurface | inline |
sInside | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sOutside | G4VTwistSurface | static |
sSizeMask | G4VTwistSurface | static |
SurfacePoint(G4double, G4double, G4bool isGlobal=false)=0 | G4VTwistSurface | pure virtual |
~G4VTwistSurface() | G4VTwistSurface | virtual |