Geant4  10.01.p01
G4NeutronHPInterpolator Member List

This is the complete list of members for G4NeutronHPInterpolator, including all inherited members.

GetBinIntegral(const G4InterpolationScheme &aScheme, const G4double x1, const G4double x2, const G4double y1, const G4double y2)G4NeutronHPInterpolator
GetWeightedBinIntegral(const G4InterpolationScheme &aScheme, const G4double x1, const G4double x2, const G4double y1, const G4double y2)G4NeutronHPInterpolator
Histogram(G4double x, G4double x1, G4double x2, G4double y1, G4double y2) const G4NeutronHPInterpolatorinlineprivate
Interpolate(G4InterpolationScheme aScheme, G4double x, G4double x1, G4double x2, G4double y1, G4double y2) const G4NeutronHPInterpolatorinline
Lin(G4double x, G4double x1, G4double x2, G4double y1, G4double y2)G4NeutronHPInterpolatorinline
LinearLinear(G4double x, G4double x1, G4double x2, G4double y1, G4double y2) const G4NeutronHPInterpolatorinlineprivate
LinearLogarithmic(G4double x, G4double x1, G4double x2, G4double y1, G4double y2) const G4NeutronHPInterpolatorinlineprivate
LogarithmicLinear(G4double x, G4double x1, G4double x2, G4double y1, G4double y2) const G4NeutronHPInterpolatorinlineprivate
LogarithmicLogarithmic(G4double x, G4double x1, G4double x2, G4double y1, G4double y2) const G4NeutronHPInterpolatorinlineprivate
Random(G4double x, G4double x1, G4double x2, G4double y1, G4double y2) const G4NeutronHPInterpolatorinlineprivate