This is the complete list of members for G4MagInt_Driver, including all inherited members.
AccurateAdvance(G4FieldTrack &y_current, G4double hstep, G4double eps, G4double hinitial=0.0) | G4MagInt_Driver | |
ComputeAndSetErrcon() | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
ComputeNewStepSize(G4double errMaxNorm, G4double hstepCurrent) | G4MagInt_Driver | |
ComputeNewStepSize_WithinLimits(G4double errMaxNorm, G4double hstepCurrent) | G4MagInt_Driver | |
G4MagInt_Driver(G4double hminimum, G4MagIntegratorStepper *pItsStepper, G4int numberOfComponents=6, G4int statisticsVerbosity=1) | G4MagInt_Driver | |
GetDerivatives(const G4FieldTrack &y_curr, G4double dydx[]) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetErrcon() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetHmin() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetMaxNoSteps() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetPgrow() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetPshrnk() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetSafety() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetSmallestFraction() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetStepper() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetStepper() | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
GetVerboseLevel() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
Hmin() const | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
OneGoodStep(G4double ystart[], const G4double dydx[], G4double &x, G4double htry, G4double eps, G4double &hdid, G4double &hnext) | G4MagInt_Driver | |
PrintStat_Aux(const G4FieldTrack &aFieldTrack, G4double requestStep, G4double actualStep, G4int subStepNo, G4double subStepSize, G4double dotVelocities) | G4MagInt_Driver | protected |
PrintStatisticsReport() | G4MagInt_Driver | protected |
PrintStatus(const G4double *StartArr, G4double xstart, const G4double *CurrentArr, G4double xcurrent, G4double requestStep, G4int subStepNo) | G4MagInt_Driver | protected |
PrintStatus(const G4FieldTrack &StartFT, const G4FieldTrack &CurrentFT, G4double requestStep, G4int subStepNo) | G4MagInt_Driver | protected |
QuickAdvance(G4FieldTrack &y_val, const G4double dydx[], G4double hstep, G4double &dchord_step, G4double &dyerr) | G4MagInt_Driver | |
QuickAdvance(G4FieldTrack &y_posvel, const G4double dydx[], G4double hstep, G4double &dchord_step, G4double &dyerr_pos_sq, G4double &dyerr_mom_rel_sq) | G4MagInt_Driver | |
RenewStepperAndAdjust(G4MagIntegratorStepper *pItsStepper) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
ReSetParameters(G4double new_safety=0.9) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
SetErrcon(G4double valEc) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
SetHmin(G4double newval) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
SetMaxNoSteps(G4int val) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
SetPgrow(G4double valPg) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
SetPshrnk(G4double valPs) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
SetSafety(G4double valS) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
SetSmallestFraction(G4double val) | G4MagInt_Driver | |
SetVerboseLevel(G4int newLevel) | G4MagInt_Driver | inline |
WarnEndPointTooFar(G4double endPointDist, G4double hStepSize, G4double epsilonRelative, G4int debugFlag) | G4MagInt_Driver | protected |
WarnSmallStepSize(G4double hnext, G4double hstep, G4double h, G4double xDone, G4int noSteps) | G4MagInt_Driver | protected |
WarnTooManyStep(G4double x1start, G4double x2end, G4double xCurrent) | G4MagInt_Driver | protected |
~G4MagInt_Driver() | G4MagInt_Driver |